With a simple google search, you can find many reasons why one needs IT services. You can find articles on the long/short cost prospects of investing in IT services, and infrastructure or how managed services are the last defence between your business and a potential data leak. The reason why you find all these different articles written within and outside of the industry is that of one undeniable fact – It works.
Many small and medium businesses need the same level of IT service requirements as many larger enterprises require, but the latter can afford a full-time in-house IT service providers to handle the demands, whereas SMBs cannot. A managed service provider (MSP) Acts as a stopgap or replacement for a full-time staff.
Production Possibility Frontier and Opportunity Cost
The PPF is a curve that depicts the maximum use of resources such as time, cost or labour while minimizes unused resources while opportunity cost is what you missed out on by focusing on something else.
Confused? Here is an example:
A pharmacist must keep patient records for ten years. All personal information, forms and doctor scripts over the lifespan of the business had to be collected by the pharmacist and stored – This becomes a physical limitation very quickly. It’s no surprise that pharmacists would need a solution for this predicament. Pharmacists are also on the hook for maintaining, storing, organizing and efficient retrieval of these records.
A pharmacist is trained in medicine, not in information technology. In the IT industry, we are very efficient at handling things such as maintaining, storing, organizing and the retrieval of information; This is especially true when the data is highly sensitive and requires an additional degree of security and protection. We do this every day and have the education and infrastructure necessary to do this efficiently.
The most effective use of a pharmacist’s time is in helping people receiving the proper medicine as opposed to the pharmacist figuring out cloud storage retrieval processes.
So why IT? Because it works.